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2003-09-15 - 9:54 a.m.

Today I am crying Hunter's tears when no one else can see
I am passing on religion, art, consumption and the war.
I know I've had enough, too much, of all these things.
I know I'm wearing thin.

I'm working on the river in the dream that's yet to be
and the storm is on its way to flood the creek.
We'll put ourselves on blocks and seal ourselves with sweets and cream
and I'll pray without the frozen if it's what it seems to be.

I know that I'm supposed to be the strong one of us all,
but I always knew that this would be my downfall.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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eager for some spring fever - 2007-02-20
skyrockets in flight valentine delight - 2007-02-15
tacky Easter to you - 2007-02-12
So Monday - 2007-02-12
iBoxed into a technology corner - 2007-02-06

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