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Denim Issues

2004-02-07 - 5:16 p.m.

My favorite jeans get a little saggy and loose after a while. Then they get spiffed back to fitting again in the dryer and pretty quickly stretch back out to comfy again.

Usually, anyway.

Last night I stopped by my place after work to feed the freakcat and change before heading over to the bf's. I took said jeans from the clean laundry pile, threw them on and ran out the door. Now, they felt a bit more snug than usual when I put them back on, but I was relying on our usual agreement that they would indeed remember me, the fact that I do in fact have curves and a bit more of the stomach pudge than is strictly necessary. But on the car ride I realized they had NO INTENTION of getting along anymore. I puffed my stomach out, trying to stretch the fabric. I jiggled. I wiggled. I tugged. I got a mildly chlostrophobic feeling I've never had denim induce before. By the time I arrived at the bf's, I was in the door for mere moments before I was apologizing and ripping my pants off.

[ok, ok...I know that's not really something to apologize for, but that's me.]

He ended up convincing me to try a pair of his jeans. Now, the man's very muscular, but also thin. And (luckily) without girly thighs and hips and all that shape-challenge. But he had a "baggy" pair that worked just fine. And were thin and soft. And had big, deep boy pockets. And were even long enough (yay!). So I've kidnapped his jeans and he seems to think that's pretty cool.

I think it's time to go shopping for a new pair.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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