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At the alarm

2003-09-26 - 9:05 a.m.

The shot didn't feel like I'd expected it to. Instead of sharp and hot like I'd anticipated, it felt hard, jarring and holistic. It threw me to the ground that I couldn't feel beneath me. All I could feel was the pressure of every inch of my body being crushed and pressed into the ground. What kind of guns were those? It felt like gravity had changed all around me.

I heard another shout and turned my eyes to see a shard of light enter his leg just above his ankle. He stumbled as his foot was pushed behind him, but he kept moving forward, forward. Faster than I could believe, his leg was swelling where he'd been hit, first the size of a football, then bubbling into an impossible boil larger than his chest.

I tried to call out to him, to find out how he could keep moving, but I had no voice. As if in answer, he shook his leg and the mass broke free, sliding to the pavement behind him.

As he continued away from me, I watched a skeletal shadow swoop in along the ground, envelop the mass and carry it away. I wondered when the shadows would come for me.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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