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Verbal baggage

2003-06-23 - 4:50 p.m.

ok so you know how a lot of words come with baggage that you carry that gets wrapped up in the images that you conjure up when you hear them or read them?

and how often that little image baggage isn't at all what the person using the word intended?

so you end up with these really bizarre images dancing around your head...

well, if that makes any sense, one of those words for me is swedish. I have the hardest time hearing that and not thinking of the swedish chef from the muppets.

So I read, regarding the band Opeth, "pretty good. pretty hard. swedish, i believe."

Switch on my image of the Swedish chef. cross that with a metal band. Swedish chef with headbanger hair, dressed in black leather, screaming into a microphone with deathmetal crashing behind him [animal on drums of course]...

"undeee schlurdeeeeeeee bork bork bork!!!!! undee shlurdee bork bork BORK!!!"

I think I just saw gonzo crowdsurfing.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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