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Congressional Bitching

2003-10-17 - 1:32 p.m.

So today's the "deadline day" that Congress was supposed to reach a compromise agreement on Medicare reform. Of course, the conference committee's still locked in a deathgrip, nowhere near a compromise.

So then, they say, "Well, let's just put out an outline to show what things we actually HAVE reached agreement on so far."

Except now they can't even agree on whether they should do that. Not to mention what they should put in it if they do.

How on earth do we do this on a regular basis...kill things by the endless debates so we never can move forward? Oh, that is, unless we're talking about throwaway issues like whether we should go to war or spend $87 billion dollars to keep that up, keep our grandchildren in debt and send our money off elsewhere instead of trying to use it to fix our own problems. That sort of stuff we get agreement on in a heartbeat.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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