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A Certain Kind of Death

2003-04-10 - 9:45 a.m.

A Certain Kind of Death

What becomes of the distended, decomposed and forgotten? Those who have no memories living on in the eyes of those who loved them. Those who sketched the imagined results of their own demise, who meticulously buried parents, family, lovers yet themselves are left to more impersonal fate. Those who lived in squalor that they may share all of the nothing they had with those who had much less.

And what of those sheperds through the process? the storytellers, researchers, caregivers to the fallen. one circled ad in the classifieds turns a life to find other lives from fragments burned, swept, crushed, stored, then sifted together in hundreds en masse.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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