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Maybe I need a new hobby

2003-09-17 - 10:59 a.m.

The cat and I discovered a new game last night. Since we moved into this house, he's gotten brave and has finally realized his way to earn his keep is to chase and/or eat the bugs around the house. He's got a reasonably good work ethic, but has been limited by his inherent stature.

So last night I was studying and he was standing on the back of the couch, screaming at the moth out of reach on the ceiling. As this behavior wasn't exactly helping me study, I decided to help him. I picked him up, held him over my head and he promptly ate the bug. Problem solved, cat satisfied and quiet, I returned to my book.

An hour or two later, he careened through the living room, falling into a box and setting the floor lamp wobbling. More moths teasing him from up high. It was time for a study break, so I spent a few minutes chasing around the room, cat held aloft while he batted around after the moths on the ceiling. We must have looked quite the sight. We had a lot of fun, though I'm sure the moths didn't.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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