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Let it RAINN

2003-09-08 - 11:47 a.m.

You could tell she doesn't let herself cry about it anymore these days. The tears would give him power. For her to let herself feel sadness and anger makes her feel like it's still not over and that he still is winning.

But when she played that song to a roomful of people who had been there too, people who knew what it was like there, people who had seen his eyes in other people's faces...she felt her sadness and their own come together in that lump in her throat. It burned and it tried to keep the words inside.

She tried to will the tears to stay inside her eyes, she just played harder, thought of her mascara, looked away and let her hair fall down across her face.

When the song was over she tried to breathe, just tried to breathe. The next song became an instrumental when composure still refused. I watched the battle on her face and the gulping of the throat. All that she let go was one fast sniff and a thundering piano.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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