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Vogon poetry

2003-10-02 - 1:58 p.m.

Inspired by an ugly chain of events. First, taking Robert Pinsky' idea of a poem of 26 words, each beginning with a different letter, in alphabetical order.

THEN, adding in his idea of writing poems about the next thing you touch...

THEN, a dash of humor, too little sleep, too much caffeine and too much Douglas Adams suggested some vogon poetry, combining all the elements for the maximum painful effect.

two birds with one keyboard

always bravely composing desperately emotional filth,
go 'head into jocularity, keyboard.
Lilting missives, nuances, oratories
punctuated quickly
rarely spellchecked
totaling unnumbered volumes
which x-ceed your zeal

ow ow ow

that's so bad it hurts.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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eager for some spring fever - 2007-02-20
skyrockets in flight valentine delight - 2007-02-15
tacky Easter to you - 2007-02-12
So Monday - 2007-02-12
iBoxed into a technology corner - 2007-02-06

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