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more like an amphibian than an eagle

2003-12-29 - 10:51 a.m.

I'm flying in my dreams again, after years of being grounded. Not Superman-style, single-bound sort of my dreams I just realize that gravity isn't necessarily a given. I can shove off of the ground and push myself through the air like I'm swimming. The air holds beautiful resistance against my arms. I can feel the currents slip between my fingers. I move slowly but freely, shifting my weight to steer. I'm always the only one off the ground.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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eager for some spring fever - 2007-02-20
skyrockets in flight valentine delight - 2007-02-15
tacky Easter to you - 2007-02-12
So Monday - 2007-02-12
iBoxed into a technology corner - 2007-02-06

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