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an overdose of the white stuff

2003-02-18 - 11:37 p.m.

okokok I am back. :-) I got snowed in and extreme laziness set in. As pointed out to me, my form of laziness is rather like most people's everyday. But still. I know I've had too much winter when:

- I have to fill up the car's washer fluid almost as often as the gas tank.

- Supplementary lighting at home is provided by the illumination from the static discharge when I pet the cat.

- The Changing Rooms marathon has been on so long that it cycles back to the episodes I saw earlier in the day.

- I've run out of Hal Hartley films. boo.

- The hiking boots don't get to dry out before having to head outside again.

- Snowdrifts take up all the good parking spots.

- I can't remember what colour the car is under all that roadsalt.

- I actually was bored enough to do *FOUR* loads of laundry.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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eager for some spring fever - 2007-02-20
skyrockets in flight valentine delight - 2007-02-15
tacky Easter to you - 2007-02-12
So Monday - 2007-02-12
iBoxed into a technology corner - 2007-02-06

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