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Meme of four

2006-01-13 - 10:52 a.m.

Because it's Friday, I've finished some major projects and I feel like playing, I give you the four things meme.

four jobs you've had in your life:
- Baskin-Robbins scooper (later store manager)
- Mission Planning Group team member for the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite at NASA/Goddard (yep, these two were back to back)
- A freakishly all-purpose assistant for a woman who ran several very shady companies. Said shadiness was why I ran from there.
- Communications for a biotherapy company

four movies you could watch over and over:
- Almost Famous
- Princess Bride
- Cinema Paradiso
- Say Anything
(this list really could have been longer)

four places you've lived:
- Bowie, MD
- Silver Spring, MD
- Wayne, PA
- Conshohocken, PA

four teevee shows you love to watch:
- Northern Exposure
- Cold Feet
- West Wing
- Cheesy syndicated sitcoms to chill out (Friends, Will & Grace, Sex & the City, That 70s Show)

four places you've been on vacation:
- Vancouver, Canada
- London, England
- The Hague, Netherlands
- Ocho Rios, Jamaica

four websites you visit daily:
- Yahoo
- Diaryland
- Livejournal
- Not daily, but frequently: Sundry

four of your favorite foods:
- matar paneer
- Afghan sauteed pumpkin
- shrimp
- chocolate, dark as it comes

four places you'd rather be:
- The great Indian restaurant down the street (hey, it's nearly lunchtime...sometimes I aim small)
- Under the almond tree in Jamaica
- Hiking in the Endless Mountains
- Anyplace where you can feel the humidity on your bare skin

four albums you can't live without:
- Jeff Buckley, Grace
- Marillion, Brave
- John Wesley, The Emperor Falls
- David Gray, White Ladder
(any idea how PAINFUL it was to whittle this down to just four?! Ow, ow)

four magazines you read:
- Communications World. The only magazine I get. It's a quarterly for an association I belong to and work pays for it. Not exactly a real pageturner, but I tend to read at least part of each issue.
- I used to subscribe to National Geographic Adventure. Nifty mag, but I don't read it anymore.
- Mental Floss. Very cool. Have only read an issue or two but liked it.
- Over the weekend I flipped through a bit of my cousin's issue of Every Day with Rachel Ray. They had some nifty recipes (shrimp avocado tostadas my cousin made, mmmm). Also appallingly heavy product placement. They were marketing the dishes the recipes were photographed in. urgh.

four comics you read:
Don't read any these days. Ones I've read in the past:
- Calvin & Hobbes
- Bloom County
- Far Side
- Doctor Fun

four cars you've owned:
- Oldsmobile Firenza (sing it to the YMCA theme. "FIRE - N - Z - A...")
- Ford Taurus
- Toyota Corolla
- Hyundai Tiburon
(the only one this leaves out is the Renault LeCar that was technically my first car, but was taken away before I ever got to drive on a street. LONG story.)

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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eager for some spring fever - 2007-02-20
skyrockets in flight valentine delight - 2007-02-15
tacky Easter to you - 2007-02-12
So Monday - 2007-02-12
iBoxed into a technology corner - 2007-02-06

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