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Sappy Soup for the Soul

2006-03-08 - 9:08 a.m.

Another self-directed session in the studio last night. Typically that means they try to give you something that's a pretty straightforward read since there's nobody on the other side of the glass to help catch your errors.

The book they assigned me was cool. It was a volume of Arabic feminist literature. Started off smoothly enough, but a few pages in I discovered a section I stood no hope of pronouncing properly without stopping every sentence to pop out of the booth and look up pronunciations on the web. They took pity on me and assigned me another book.

It turned out to be Chicken Soup for the Soul. Cheesy perhaps, but sure made for a smooth read. I am wondering what class is using this, though. Not exactly a rigorous curriculum. I'm picturing the teacher weeping openly at the stories as the students read them out loud. So glad I'm not in that class.

Pretend it's 10th grade. Leave me a note.

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